Friday, June 13, 2008


Hello all. Here is an update on our busy lives.
Donavon had the last 3 weeks off school!! We had so much fun together looking at cars, going out to eat, watching movies, watching the play offs, and laying out by the pool. It was very relaxing and I loved that he didn't have to study at all!! It was wonderful.
During the break my Grandma Ginny passed away. All the kids in my family were able to go to the funeral and remember her wonderful life that she lived. I love this picture of her. I think she looks so beautiful! We will miss her a lot but I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and knowledge I have knowing we will see her again someday. My Grandpa died over 10 years ago so whenever I get sad I just think of their reunion. How wonderful for them!
Donavon is now in Washington DC for a school! But he will be back on Sunday afternoon...YAY! He called me today and said he lobbied around DC today with other classmates on some issue regarding podiatry. I'm not exactly sure what they lobbied, but I think that is pretty cool that he had the opportunity to do something like that. As for me, everything is the same. As you can tell by the post time at the bottom I am really busy at work. I have done a lot of journal writing, and have taken it upon myself to clean and organize the entire upstairs office. I wish I were busier, but hopefully it will pick up soon. I still love photography and have taken so many pictures that it filled our hard drive on the computer! I didn't even know that was possible. So I don't have a lot of pictures right now to post because we moved all the pictures onto the hard drive. D took the camera with him so when he gets back we will post some. My Mom was called to be the first counselor in YW so that means we get to be together! I remember when she was my YW leader and now we are teaching together. Crazy to think about but we are both really excited about it! I was also called to be the ward photographer. haha! It is totally a made up calling but I'm actually really excited!
It is already hotter that H-E double hockey sticks here in AZ and sometimes when I get in the car after work I feel like I'm going to melt. Not a good feeling. The other afternoon my car said it was 114...far too hot if you ask me. And unfortunately this is only the beginning of summer, so you know it is just going to get worse. My parents pool has provided some nice relaxing Saturday afternoons. We are both looking forward to the day when we see spring flowers and everything is green instead of brown and poky. (although I have really grown to love cacti.)
On a final note, I found this super cute picture on a blog the other day. It is a pig in England who was afraid of the mud, so his owners bought him some wellies!! I couldn't get over how darling he looks just trudging through the mud.


katie and co. said...

So good to hear an update and I am dying about the AZ heat and the pig! Love ya!

Chelle said...

It was great to hear how you are doing.

I can totally see you in that picture of your grandmother, she really is beautiful.