Last night I layed down on the floor, on my left side, and got stuck. I couldn't roll onto my back because I would get a shooting pain in my back & couldn't roll onto my stomach because I'm large and it didn't work. So D grabbed my hand and hoisted me up. Another fun fact about yesterday was we were touring an apartment complex and I noticed my shoe was untied, so in the middle of the tour I stopped the guy giving us the tour and D tied my shoe because I can't bend down anymore. He also now paints my toe nails. D is my hero.
I went to visit my family in Arizona a couple of weeks ago and my feet swelled up so much it looked like I had elephantitis. When we flew home they swelled up even more and after I got off the plane I didn't have any range of motion in my feet so ended up shuffling around instead of walking.
My fingers now look like small balloon animals.
I now snort when I laugh which makes me laugh even harder.
My sister broke her foot so I went to help her out this week. We went to target, twice, and she used a mobilized cart. The first time the cart was really slow and I could waddle next to her. The second time the cart was faster and I had to waddle really fast to keep up with her, laughing the entire time. We were a site to see! She saw one of her friends there and told her, "You know you're in trouble when your 8 month pregnant sister, with twins, comes to take care of you." It made me laugh.
The other night around 9:45pm I really wanted two hard taco supremes from taco bell. I looked up online where the nearest taco bell is, because I never eat taco bell, and hopped in the car. It wasn't there, the website lied. So I drove around for a while and couldn't find another location so came home defeated. And I cried. When you can't fulfill a craving it is a sad, sad day.
Other foods I crave:
7-11 cherry slurpees
Cheddar Cheese. If that cheese is dipped in pickle juice it's even better. ha!
Subway sandwiches on Italian herb and cheese bread
Root Beer
Donavon's strawberry milkshakes. They really are divine. Maybe that's why I've gained so much weight.
Backstory: I am allergic to concentrated Oranje Juice (or OJ as we call it in our house), but if I juice an orange then i'm fine.
Story: We have settled on the names Owen and Jude, but when we were first talking about names this is the conversation I had with D
D: Hey, if we name then Owen and Jude when we want them to both come at the same time we can just yell O.J.!
K: ha! That is so great, wait I'm allergic to OJ. Unless it's freshly squeezed.
D: Oh, they will be freshly squeezed!
K: haha! Done. It's Owen & Jude, hahahaha!
When I want some loves from them I will call them my cup of J.O.
These boys are moving so much sometimes I think they are training to be UFC fighters. They are just currently training in a smaller cage.
Right now baby A has his head in my left rib cage and is tap dancing on my bladder. It is a very weird feeling and has me running to the bathroom frequently. Whenever I drink a strawberry milkshake he dances even more.
Baby b currently has his head in my right rib cage with his feet on his brother's head. Or kicking his brother in his head, which he often does during the ultrasound. What a bully! See? UFC.
I sneezed in Target the other month and wet my pants. It was the first and I hope only time it happens. It made me laugh, and then snort, and luckily you couldn't tell.
I am very close to not being able to turn around in my shower. We either have a freakishly small shower or I am just VERY large. I'm going with the first option.
I love being pregnant but and so excited to meet these little guys!
awesome post. You only remember what you write down. Life is just to fast!!
I am so so so happy for you guys! What an exciting time for you!
That is so funny about your cravings. I also craved a subway sandwhich on the same exact bread! I think i had it 2 times a week!
I laughed at least 5 1/2 times reading this post. I love love love it and I can't wait to meet them either.
You are awesome! I never made it to 32 weeks with my twins, but I totally get the cage fighting scenario. Bree's butt was always up in my left side/rib cage and we used to watched it boogie around. Can't wait to meet Team OJ.
-Hailey Vial (as opposed to the first comment Vial)
Haha I love your stories. O & J have definitely hit a growth spurt it sounds like. I can't imagine if I had two baby boys growing and kicking me. One was enough. You are the woman.
LOVE LOVE THIS POST. Kristin you're the cutest pregnant girl ever! I love you! I can't wait to see pictures of Owen and Jude.
Oh my gosh, I was seriously obsessed with reading about all your pregnancy quirks. It really is so much fun and so strange all at the same time. Oh I'm so excited for you guys. Love those baby boys already and LOVE those names. And btw, you have always snorted a bit when you laugh:)
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