Sunday, October 14, 2007

Baseball Season

Midwestern had their intramural baseball games these past couple of weeks and the 2nd year podiatry students were the champions! It was so fun to go to the games and watch these guys play. Donavon is so good! He could wack that ball out of the park like you wouldn’t believe! Congratulations team, and I’m so proud of you honey!

Some of the other wives came with their kids and I couldn’t believe how dirty these kids could get. They were so funny to watch. The very last game one of the little girls came in her Cinderella PJs with mismatching dress up heals. Oh, I was laughing so hard…I can’t wait to have kids, they totally crack me up.


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh I love to watch sports- go Donovan! Kris, this totally makes me think of playing intramurals in the burg, those were some fun times. We miss you guys. I can't wait for you to come to Utah, hopefully we can get together, you can come see our little homestead! Are you staying at your parents house, do they still have it?

Garrett and Mindy Sessions said...

you need to start a water polo league out there where it is warm enough to swim... I'm freezing my little buns off up here in Chicago.