Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My Mom sent me Flat Stanley from her 3rd grade class she was teaching so we decided to go visit Alcatraz. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.
Here are some of his adventures...and ours
On the way to the island.
There were a ton of random small doors in the corridors before you got into the prison. (They were Flat size! Please see above picture)
City view on the agave trail
Golden Gate Bridge

We couldn't go to SF without stopping at Ghiradelli square for some hot chocolate

Black Friday

This year on black Friday we decided to go to the science museum in SF. Here is D & his Dad in the Rainforest exhibit.
We saw a lot of things we had never seen before like...Strawberry Poison Dart Frogs
Gian scary spiders...I forgot the name of this guy
Giant Fish. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT CATFISH! Can you imagine jumping into the river and landing on one of those!
My ANACONDA don't want none unless you got buns hun.
Cute turtles
And amazing jelly fish.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year at Donavon's Aunt & Uncle's house in San Jose. His parents and little sister were able to come down from Oregon and his brother & Grandma flew in from Utah. The food was AMAZING and after we were stuffed to the brim we went to a local park to burn off some calories. We had a great thanksgiving this year!

Friday, August 7, 2009

From a LONG time ago

This was from last SPRING...better late than never. This is when my sister Amy & her family came into town. We went to the wildlife zoo with my Mom, and Monica and the boys. Here are some of the cute pictures.

I love this below picture. These boys are ALWAYS on the move when they are together and mischief is always close behind. I miss these guys!

My parent's have a player piano and we were listening to Sound of Music. James (the smaller one) would lift up his shirt and go up to the older boys trying to belly bump them. It was really funny, especially when he would run at them full force like the picture below. Both boys would go flying!
We also went to a dbacks game. They were losing so Matthew put on his rally cap!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Favorite Picture

I don't know how I missed this picture during the mega post but here it is, Oliver with his famous Pirate face. This picutre really makes me laugh! He is kid is a true boy!
I just thought this was cute

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I was in Guatemala for two weeks on a medical mission. It was awesome. We saw close to 4000 patients. We worked hard and got to do a little sight seeing while I was there. While I was gone K had a reunion with some of her old college roomates. Here are some pictures from my trip and some from K's weekend of fun. View from the top of Volcano Pacaya. You can see the top of three other volcano's in the distance.
This was at a coffee plantation. They lay the processed beens out on these large tile slabs to dry in the sun.
Line at the clinic in the morning when we got there. We had so many people that we had to turn away a lot of them.
Typical Guatemalan clothes for women and girls.
Some very cool street art they did one day.
Volcano Fuego. This volcano puffed about every 5-10 minutes. This is a view from our clinic one day.
We hiked this active volcano pacaya. It was really cool, and pretty hot.
This is the whole group of doc's and students that we went with. The first week we stayed at a convent and the Madre is front and center in this photo.
This is in Antigua. The city colors were beautiful.
Lots of foot problems in Guatemala. They got a lot of joint pains. Can anyone guess why?