Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reunion time/Pictures GALORE!

I was lucky enough to have some of my best friends come visit the other weekend. We had SO much fun together, and I love that no matter how much time we spend apart when we have a reunoin it's like we just saw eachother yesterday! Here are a few...ok about a thousand pictures from the weekend. Highlights included shopping, watching movies courtesy of Amanda Bynes, going for walks, date night with my girls, the zoo, late night talks where I laughed SO hard I started crying, SPRINKLES!!!! and many other adventures. COME AGAIN SOON!

Like Mother, like cute!


Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

beautiful pictures!! you're so good kris!

The Johnson Journey said...

I LOVE THOSE PICTURES!! You are a great photographer, and that camera is fabulous. I really need some of those copies. :)

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Yay, so many cute pictures Kris, I'll have to try and save them cause I love them all. It was so much fun and thanks again for hosting, miss you!

andrea said...

I love the pictures! The boys are adorable and you girls are all beautiful too. Thanks again for letting me crash your girls night out!

Cronin Family said...

How fun! You are a great photographer, those pics are fabulous.